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A Couple Of Free Writes

Weaknesses: I feel like that weakness in my essay was adding too many lengthy quotes. I should have added more concise quotes to explain my thinking. Also, I think I should have mentioned the yellow wallpaper connection in the first body paragraph. 

Halloween weekend: I worked over the weekend. I saw a lot of little kids trick or treating and it brought back memories. I don’t trick or treat now because im too old now, but I enjoy seeing the children’s faces when they get candy. It was also very cold on Halloween, literally freezing. I saw kids crying on the street probably because they got no candy.

Stylistic Choices: James Baldwin used first person pov and a nameless character to make this short story. It was also very poetic because there were multiple paragraphs that gave musical vibes.

Favorite part of Sonny Blues: My favorite part of “Sonny Blues” is how the plot develops and Sonny finally gets to do what he wants. He’s been through many obstacles and finally finds peace in the end. This supports Baldwin’s critique of society because it showed how colored people struggled to fulfill their goals due to all the roadblocks they faced in the 1950s. Black people didn’t have all the opportunities and access to education like other people, so they had to turn to something else.