Writing this exploratory essay was an engaging and informative process. I learned a lot about psychoanalysis and how other authors unironically applied it to their stories. Learning about the 5 stages of development was an interesting process because you realize how something so long ago applies to people today. When writing the EE essay, I dug deep into Franz Kafka’s short story, “ A Country Doctor”. Exploring this short story made me realize how one word can have multiple meanings. For example, the word Rose was used to connect two different types of pain the narrator was going through. Professor Yankwitt helped a lot with deciphering this passage and understanding condensation, displacement, the latent content, etc.
Furthermore, completing this essay definitely helped me make some strides in my writing. I believe the assignments Professor Von Uhl assigned helped me understand that you shouldn’t write to complete a checklist. You should write with passion, and know your audience. The process was tedious but I gained a lot of knowledge. Additionally, I realized my weakness in organizing the information in a way so the audience understands my perspective. I don’t want to sound like I’m summarizing and that is one thing I can work on. My word choice overall definitely improved when writing this essay because these concepts arent that simple to explain, It requires time and effort to explain to the audience.
Lastly, I believe I have room to improve and that this last essay should show that. I read the feedback on my homework, I continuously see how vague I am and need to summarize less. I strive to do that in the next essay and showcase my improvement in writing. With the beam assignments and multiple engagement articles, I believe my writing will get better.