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id, ego, superego classification

Idthe most primitive/ instinctive part of your desires that contain desires, and hidden and unconscious (chaotic) thoughts. No rationale. For example, Freud declares “We approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron full of seething excitations.” This shows how the Id has total control(governs) over newborns which is why they receive these types of desires. ” 

**Everything comes back to the libido (sexual instincts). Everyone is born with sexual instincts and the Id

Ego- The ego serves the id, superego, and the external world. The ego is after all only a portion of the id, a portion that has been expediently modified by the proximity of the external world (society) with its threat of danger. Resolves the issues between Id and Superego. Mediates between one wants (Id) and shoulds (superego). Develops after the battle between id and superego.  To further add, the reason we came to this conclusion of what was the definition for the ego was that Freud declared “The relation to the external world has become the decisive factor for the ego”. Freud is declaring that the ego is not only trying to get the id and superego happy but also the exterior world. 
SuperEgo – Conscious part of personality. Derives from the values we see in family and society. Gives a sense of right and wrong, good and bad, guilt and pride. SuperEgo satisfies the id and the ego, balances it out. The ego mediates between what one wants (id) and shoulds(SuperEgo). According to Freud, the superego “applies the strictest moral standard to the helpless ego which is at its mercy; in general, it represents the claims of morality, and we realize all at once that our moral sense of guilt is the expression of the tension between the ego and the super-ego.” This shows the brightness of the superego where a person learns about morality where they know what is good vs bad and are able to distinguish them such as knowing that stealing is a wrong thing to do.